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Swords Buyer Guide RSS Feed

13 Jun Samurai Sword Tsuba
0 3457
Japanese Sword mountings include saya, kashira, seppa, fuchi, habaki, menuki, tsuba etc. The tsuba (鍔, or 鐔) is a guard at the end of the grip of bladed Japanese weapons, which is mostly meant to be used to prevent the hand from sliding onto the blad..
11 Jun How to Disassemble the Katana Sword
0 5148
1. The first step: Prepare related equipment  The necessary ones are: Mekuginuki (Mekugi removal tool), Hammer and Splint (Used to remove stuck tsuka), Cotton Cloth (Cleaning), Softwood Block.     2. Drawing  Must have a correct sitting postur..
08 Jun Japanese sword mountings
0 5146
Japanese sword mountings that hold the blade of a Japanese sword are very particular, there are different types of mountings in different periods. According to the different mountings, the samurai worrior carries swords in different ways. It's no won..
06 Jun Clay Tempered
yao 0 3944
The "clay tempered" is generally known as the "soil-burning edge". It was passed from the early Tang Dynasty. Japan used the forging process that was very critical in the process of forging swords since ancient times. The swordsmith first uses the p..
04 Jun History of the Japanese Samurai Sword
0 5943
Samurai sword history dates back to over 1300 years ago, which is roughly divided into four main periods - Koto (the old sword period, pre 1596), Shinto/Shinshinto (1597 to 1876) Gendai (1877 to the end of world war II) and the modern period known ..
01 Jun Kissaki (切先) - The tip, or point of the Japanese Sword
0 12231
 The tip or point area of a samurai sword that has a ridge line (shinogi) is called a Kissaki. This is the hardest part of the sword to polish and forge and to hand create a quality one would require an extremely skilful artisan. The value of a sword..
30 May Types of Samurai Swords
1 63658
The combat skills of Samurai are greatly complemented by the strength of the sword they possess. Samurai possessed many different kinds of swords, which went through many changes in their design over the years. Some of these are: chokutu, kodachi, ..
1 7042
  GYAKU-KOBUSE Steel     c = core steel  o = outer steel  Reverse wrapping = GYAKU-KOBUSE  The Kobuse steel is constructed of two different kinds of steel, the core steel and the outer steel, where the core steel is wrapped with the outer st..
24 May Tamahagane katana
0 6886
Tamahagane (玉鋼 / "jewel steel") is a type of steel made in the Japanese tradition. The word tama means "round and precious", like a gem. The word hagane means "steel". Tamahagane is produced from iron sand, and mainly used to make Samurai swords, suc..
22 May What Makes A Samurai Sword So Special
0 4993
  When we think of samurai, what is the symbol that comes to mind? Whenever there is any discussion of historical warfare and the importance of sword-fighting skills, the word “Samurai” always makes its way into the middle of the conversation. For..
11 May What katana is really suitable for you?
0 3359
Don't know what katana is really suitable for you or just want to learn more about the Japanese sword ?   Katanas have long had historical significance, you can see from numerous Hollywood debuts in movies such as Kill Bill, The Last Samurai, 47 Ro..
27 Apr 9260 spring steel vs 1095
2 22146
Do you know the difference between 9260 spring steel and 1095 steel, which steel is more stronger?   9260 spring steel   9260 Spring Steel (also called Silicon Manganese Steel) consists of 2% silicon content, giving it an even more dramatic resil..
Showing 85 to 96 of 113 (10 Pages)