Swords Buyer Guide RSS Feed
Buying a sword is an important decision that shouldn’t be taken lightly. However, some first-time sword buyers make mistakes when they purchase. You should avoid making the following mistakes.
1. Functional or 'Decorative' Sword
People don’t..
The carbon blade can be special treated (electroplated) which creats colored patterns on the blade surface. Such kind of blade swords are made of the same steel materials commonly used for samurai sword making, but at particular steps, the process is..
The difference between real and fake hamon is actually to confirm the authenticity of the sword. Clay tempered is transmitted from the early Tang Dynasty. It is a forging process that is extremely important in the process of forging swords from ancie..
Dao (刀) are single-edged Chinese swords, primarily used for slashing and chopping. Single-edged blades had been used in China as early as the Shang Dynasty and the dao has taken several variations throughout the different dynasties.
Chinese Broa..
The decorative sword and the functional sword are produced differently for their intended purpose. This article is to explain how we determine which swords are safe to use and which swords are best left on the wall.
1. Type of Steel :
We can make engraving on the saya(scabbard), following samples are fully traditional HAND-CARVED. They are available with different color saya.
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Full Tang
A full tang extends the entire length of the handle. A full tang may or may not be as wide as the handle itself, but will still run the full length of the handle. Generally speaking, a full tang is the strongest tang construction (though e..
Buying a sword is an important decision that shouldn’t be taken lightly. Before you buy any sword (or other weapon) you should consult your instructor and/or classmates. Ultimately swords are tools, so a “good” sword would be one that meets your requ..
A folded steel blade is typically made from high carbon steel. The difference is that its process is the folding of the steel, where the swords are made by repeatedly heating, hammering and folding the metal. Our folded steel blade is hand folded 13..
Polishing is a critical step in finalizing a sword. When i say polishing, I don't mean sharpening. When the rough blade is completed, the swordsmith turns the blade over to a polisher called a togishi, a good polish can greatly improve the beauty of ..
Shinogi-Zukuri (diamond-shaped kissaki) is the most common of a Japanese sword, also Unokubi-Zukuri (Cormorant's Neck) blade design (also called Nagamaki Naoshi) has gathered a large amount of followers. The Unokubi-Zukuri Katana provides excellent b..
Katana is a generic term for swords forged in the originally developed way in Japan. Japanese samurai swords were worn by warriors of the ruling elite during the middle ages right up to the modern era and acted as much as status symbols as they did w..