Strange Ancient Weapons (Picture Appreciation)
12 Nov
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2 Comment(s)
How 'bout a Tizona replica without the crossbar? The Tizona replica's gotta have the gilded hilt with the winged quillons, the 8 inch ricasso, the hexagonal cross-section, the straight edges, and the sharp point. Don't forget the two red gems on the guard while keepin' the quillons swept to the blade's direction. The red gems, they gotta be in the middle of the guard. The handle's gotta be like a hand-and-a-half sword's handle. The pommel's gotta be peened. The blade's gotta be 24 inches long. The handle's gotta be with the bright green handle wrappin'.
Make a Tizona replica with the 24 inch blade, the full tang, the ricasso that's long enough fer one hand to hold it, the 6-sided hexagonal cross-section, the straight edges, AND the triangular point. I'd go with a steel guard with the gilded color. Not made outta gold, just havin' the gold color. But without the crossbar. Give the guard just two red gems. Not on the sides, but in the middle of the guard. One red gem in the center on both sides. Keep the winged quillons that're swept to the blade's direction. The pommel's gotta be peened. It's gotta be decorated with two green gems. The handle's gotta be long enough fer both hands, like a hand-and-a-half sword's handle.
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