How To Wrap A Samurai Sword Handle
13 Jul

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Tsukamaki (handle wrapping) is something that anyone can have a try with a little patience. First there is the core of the tsuka, a type of hard wood which is covered with the rayskin (same kawa). The ito is wrapped and twisted around the tsuka. Ito is usually made of silk, cotton, or leather. A tsuka that is eight inches long requires 120 inches or 10 feet of wrap. Here are some detailed instructions on how to do it.
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2 Comment(s)
I would like to learn how to wrap my handle can I have a professional do it for me and how much would it cost is there a phone number I could call I need a few items replaced on the handle my phone number is 917-747-334 thank you do you sell katana Japanese sharp with the groove a cutting blade 31 or 32 in Long. At a reasonable affordable price
Very good illustration on a katana wrap. I have done so along with many other types of weaving such as bowstrings, and various types of knots. A katana wrap is like a long knot with multiple folds in it, yet very beautiful when done with symmetry. Interesting that the beautiful and highly intelligent design is actually more functional, for it allows large areas of the hand's flesh to press into, grip, and not slip, even when wet. Of all the swords in the world, the shape of the katana allows for both, slicing and stabbing. The katana certainly has my vote for the world's best sword.
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